From Holly at 504 Main
From Holly at 504 Main

From Rook No. 17
From 5th Sister
From Who Has The Thyme?
Several of these awards have rules that state you must list a number of interesting or unknown facts about yourself. Instead of making a different list for each one (you'd be bored out of your mind reading all that), I'm going to post one list of five things you may or may not know about me.
My family and I were in a car accident while on vacation in North Carolina a few years ago. We were rear ended repeatedly by a man who passed out while driving.
- I was hired for a job that fell through at the last minute and ended up taking a job with a different company where I met my husband. Must have been fate!
- I don't like salmon. I wish I did, it always looks really good and I love most other varieties of fish, but salmon tastes funny to me.
- I have issues with personal space. It makes me crazy when someone I don't know stands too close to me.
- I played the clarinet for a short time when I was younger. I was terrible at it.
The other rules I'm going to follow are those that come with the THETA Tag Award. The rules state that you must list 5 things that make you a true, authentic mom.
I spend one on one time with each of my kids every day.
- I'm not a super strict parent. I'm willing to bend or change the rules if there is a good reason.
- I don't believe in forcing my kids to eat foods they don't like. Dinner shouldn't feel like punishment.
- I try to remember what it was like to be their age(s) before dealing with a problem.
- I never forget how lucky I am to have these two amazing human beings in my life.
Thank you again to all of my friends who passed these awards on to me. You guys are the best! In the spirit of the season, I would like to pass them along to all of my blog friends (I know most of you have them already). Please take as many as you would like. An early holiday gift from me to you. Enjoy!
Holiday Cards
I'd love to send Christmas cards to any/all of my followers (yes, L.B., I'm totally stealing your idea!!!). If you would like to email your address to, I would love to send you a Christmas card.
WOW,W. ( Sorry i don't know your name). Congrats on all your awards.
You do deserve them!!!
Congratulations on the awards! You definitely deserve them. I love learning more about my friend bloggers. I now know what a fabulous parent you are, you and your children are blessed that you have each other. That car accident sounds very scary. Thank Goodness you weren't injured.
I would love to exchange Christmas Cards and will send you my address!
~ Amy
You are quite popular, and you deserve all this recognition.
I can relate to a lot of the items you listed. I too played the clarinet when I was young and like you, I was bad at it. Although my kids are grown now, I would remember how my parents handled me in a similar situation, and I would deal with my kids accordingly.....sometimes doing the same thing and other times something very different. Salmon is my favorite fish. I love it. My dad forced me to eat everything at dinner including what I didn't like. Sometimes it got ugly.
And finally, fate brought my wife and I together too.
Now, if I ever see you in person, I must remember not to get too close.
Great pile of awards you got there.
I, too, played the clarinet and was quite good. Always 1st chair. I let it get to my head and didn't think I needed to prepare for auditions my senior year. You guessed it. My pride took a beating when I fell to (gasp!) 3rd chair!
All these awards are well deserved! Congrats my friend.
Great goodness, woman! That's quite a collection you've got there. I, too, do not like salmon and I don't feel bad admitting it. It's awful oil yucky poo. And I DETEST being hugged by people I don't know well, so I also have a personal space issue, I guess.
Wowza! What a plethora of awards! Well deserved ALL!
Congrats! What a great bunch of awards! I think you have my email if not let me know I would love to get/ and send a Christmas card! :)
Congratulations!! Your post was a reminder that I am long overdue for a similar one...although admittedly with not quite so many awards LOL
Thanks for stopping by today :)
Congratulations on the awards...well deserved!
I remember the "personal space" issue that you have from a long ago post about a concert that you went to!!! LOL!!!
I emailed my address...let me know it you didn't get it for some reason!
I love Salmon.
Hate it when people get in my space, and really feel violated when people aggressively hug me. UGH!
I played the recorder...I couldn't even play Mary Had a Little Lamb correctly. I think I really tried to talk myself into believing I was alright at it.
I was "ran over" by a car on my bike. The bike did not fair well at all.
Congratualtions on the awards. they couldn't have been more well deserved. I am very happy I have discovered your blog.
Not forcing your kids eating foods they don't like is great. They will have to swallow, like everyone else, plenty of things they don't like later on in life. Let them know that at least at home they don't have to!
Wow!! Congrats on all the awards. I love getting them...totally makes my day. :) I'm following you now too!
Congrats on your awards! I'm not a very strict parent either - probably not strict enough. My parents were on me and I think that made me go the other way.
Wow! Congratulations to you!
Whoa at the awards! Very impressive! If I knew how these award things worked, I'd send you one over for being socialite of the year! :) You could teach me a lot!
I have another one to add to your collection! Come on by!
That is a lot of awards...but your blog if fabulous so you totally deserve them. I really {Heart} your Theta Mom answers - my food thing for the kids is that you must take one bite and actually chew it before you say "no."
You are quite popular, and you deserve all this recognition.
Work from home India
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