Saturday, November 7, 2009

A Little Reminder From George And Weezie

When I get up in the morning, I have the mental capacity of a slug.  On weekdays, I get up around 5:00 a.m., but I don't start processing information until at least 5:45.   I have only partial hearing in one ear and I sleep like the dead, so my husband has to wake me when the alarm goes off.

While he heads to the kitchen to start the coffee, I stagger into the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower.  I have to stick to autopilot at this point.  I always shampoo and then condition my hair, but if I start thinking about it, I get confused and can't remember if I've completed both steps.  I'll remember putting something in my hair, I just can't remember which one it was.  The water temperature can be an issue, too.  At 5:00 a.m., I just can't seem to remember whether to turn the lever to the left or the right if the water is too cold.  As long as I remain only semi conscious, autopilot knows to turn it to the left.

Things were less confusing when we had a single shower head, but when I melted that one with grout cleaner (true story), we replaced it with a dual head system.  One shower head is fixed to the wall and the other is a removable hand held unit.  There is a lever to adjust the water to spray from either of the single heads or both heads at once.   In my barely awake state of mind, I could never remember if I wanted to turn it up or down.  Recently, though, I came up with the habit of singing the theme song to The Jeffersons to remind me to "move it on up". 

Jeffersons Opening TV Theme - The top video clips of the week are here

Now if Florence would just stop by and clean the bathroom for me.  Of course, she probably wouldn't have melted the other shower head.



Life Laugh Latte said...

I don't think I could wake up that early unless I was catching a plane to Hawaii. Perhaps you should try dancing like Mr. Jefferson in the shower, that might wake you up a little faster.
Charisse @

Tattoos and Teething Rings said...

I wake up between 6:30-7 but don't really feel awake until my second cup of coffee and my niece arrives at 7:15.

As for the shower, we only have one bathroom in our home but there are two showerheads, one at each end of the long tub, so Felix and I can save time and money showering together. And that's exactly why we do it ;)

Raoulysgirl said...

Well, you know what happens to me when I don't completely wake up before jumping out of bed!!!

Yeah...I just let the alarm beep for a minute now before rising!!

Kathy said...

It is kind of nice that everyone gets up on their own now! They all go off early and I generally don't have to get out of bed until 7:30. I do know that I am lucky. the best gift to give your kids is an alarm clock as early in life as possible!

Holly Lefevre said...

5:00 am! I only went to bed a few hours before that. I get up at 7:30 and am no good until at least 10 am...


Unknown said...

Sleeping in until 6 is a luxury for me. I, too, am an early riser (4:30-5:00) I don't want to be. I want to be a late nighter sleeping inner!

Cute mnemonic device!

Oh, and for all of you: In order to thoroughly clean you hands you should hum "happy birthday" at least twice for your handwashing to be effective. Just my little public PSA during this flu epidemic.

BashfulToast said...

I'm the oppisite. When my alarm goes off I'm up and in a hurry to get ready before Alex gets here!

Matty said...

Hmmm.........try waiting an hour or so after you're up before showering.

I've already been SO SLEEPY that when the alarm goes off, I can't figure out how to turn it off!

Tracie said...

I sleep in till 6 am and I'm the same way. Sometimes I have to get back in the shower because I can't remember if I washed my hair or not.

Chicago Mom said...

Thank goodness for "brain autopilot". I have caught myself toweling off and not remembering exactly what I did in the shower, but feel clean so it must be okay. LOL :)

Unknown said...

Holy cow! You get up early! I laughed when I read this post but I wasn't laughing at you I was commiserating! I don't get up as early as you do - though a few months ago I did-but there's no way I could take a shower before coffee! The times that I have, I have shampooed my hair twice, forgetting that I already did it and it was conditioner I meant to use! And our water indicators on the knowbs were put on wrong so C really means Hot & vice versa. When I am half asleep I have to try and remeber this - Oy Vey - hubbie has come running more than once to my screams as I am scalded because I forgot that C means Hot! lol

I so glad that the Jeffersons can help you with some of your morning ritual!

Unknown said...

Holy cow! You get up early! I laughed when I read this post but I wasn't laughing at you I was commiserating! I don't get up as early as you do - though a few months ago I did-but there's no way I could take a shower before coffee! The times that I have, I have shampooed my hair twice, forgetting that I already did it and it was conditioner I meant to use! And our water indicators on the knowbs were put on wrong so C really means Hot & vice versa. When I am half asleep I have to try and remeber this - Oy Vey - hubbie has come running more than once to my screams as I am scalded because I forgot that C means Hot! lol

I so glad that the Jeffersons can help you with some of your morning ritual!

Deidra said...

It doesn't matter what time I get up. Anytime before 9 AM, and I'm just going through the motions...