Saturday, August 1, 2009

Was It A Prediction?

Remember in my last post when I uttered those immortal words, "It is what it is"? Well, I now have to say them again. Yesterday afternoon my computer screen started going dim and then turned to black. My husband is trying to diagnose the problem, as we don't know if the screen has burned out or the mother board is fried. Wouldn't you know this would happen just as I was ready to get back to posting my regular Friday Night Drink Demo? It was a good one, too!

Right now, I am using a borrowed computer, but I don't have access to my picture files so it may be a while until I am back to regular posting and commenting. I hope to be back before the weekend is out, but that will depend on whether we can fix what's wrong. What else can I say, but, it is what it is!


Heidi said...

I hope you get your computer up and going soon! Computers make me so mad. I was excited the other day when the school had a fried computer with the word trash wrote on it. I excitedly got to throw it in the dumpster! The perks of being a janitor :)

Purple Flowers said...

You're right; it is what it is. Something things we have no control of. Good Luck with everything!

Lissaloo said...

I have been waiting for those drink posts to come back! Darn Computer! I hope its a quick and easy fix :)

Unknown said...

Darn! I needed a drink something awful, too. Work has been very hectic as we are seeing a higher acuity patient population. ER was so backed up we had patients in the medic bay and the hallways. And why won't people learn that, after 6 crack cocaine induced MI's, it's probably best to give the stuff up? Yes, is what it is. Sorry about the computer problem. Hope its short lived and a cheap fix!

Joanna Jenkins said...

Yikes! That happened to me once and it was not pretty :-(

Donna-FFW said...

I feel for you, I am so lost without my computer.

Deidra said...

Aw man! Technology is wonderful when it's working! ;)