Friday, June 26, 2009

The Bar Is Open

I'm feeling under the weather tonight and I won't be enjoying anything stronger than a Coke, so I'm cheating a little bit and reposting a drink that I posted a while back. It's our new favorite drink and if you haven't tried it yet, I highly recommend it. It's easy to make by the pitcher if you're serving guests, just hold off on adding the cola. Top each glass with it just before serving to maintain some carbonation.

San Juan Tea

  • 1 1/2 ounces Bacardi Limon
  • 1/2 ounce light rum
  • 3 ounces whiskey sour mix
  • 8 ounces cola
In a cocktail shaker, mix Bacardi Limon, light rum and whiskey sour mix. Divide evenly between two ice filled glasses and top each with 4 ounces cola.

Enjoy your San Juan Tea responsibly and have an extra one for me! Happy Friday, everyone!


Chicago Mom said...

Hope you are feeling better soon! The drink sounds yummy.

Donna-FFW said...

Hope you feel better quickly. Bet a few of this gorgeous drink would help;)