For our first trip, we traveled up the east coast of Michigan, along the Lake Huron shoreline. Can you see why it's called "The Thumb Area"?

Although we didn't expect to run into any pirates, Mr. Willoughby wore this shirt just for the occasion.

This is the view from the shores of Port Sanilac. Despite the tranquil look of the water, this was once the site of a terrible maritime tragedy.

The road is quite a bit higher than the water along this stretch, so you have to take some stairs to get down to it.

Our next stop was in the small town of Forester where we spent some time on the beach......

climbed the hills.....

admired some enchanted scenery.......

had a tranquil moment (that's my son and Purple Hoodie Chick)......

and had lunch. I'm glad I packed foil in the travel bag because the grills at this park were really rusty. Mr. Willoughby cooked a few too many hot dogs and sausages!

There is a legend that the shores of Lake Huron are haunted by a young girl who committed suicide by jumping into the water and drowning herself back in 1876. Her name was Minnie Quay and it is said that she's been seen in the water, beckoning others to join her in the years since her death. We weren't able to find the pier she jumped from, but we did find her grave in the local cemetery. It's customary to leave a trinket at her grave, so Mr. Willoughby left the Hope stone he usually carries in his pocket. Rest in peace, Minnie.

While the rain came down, we toured the Lighthouse Museum. This is looking up the stairs of the lighthouse.

When the rain stopped, we were rewarded with a spectacular rainbow that started in the water and ended in the trees a few yards away from us. It was breathtaking, but I was unable to get a picture of it. I did, however, get a picture of this rainbow over the lake.

The last stop on our trip was Port Austin, at the tip of the thumb. Here, we got ice cream....
viewed the military memorial.....
and the Purple Heart Garden.
We had a great time and felt like we were on vacation for the whole day. In case you're wondering how this measured up to my Cheap Thrills rules, we used less than one tank of gas, were home before nightfall and between ice cream and a donation to the Lighthouse Museum, spent a total of $14. I can say for certain that we gained much more from this trip than we spent. We're already planning our next one.
What a great day trip! The pictures are wonderful. Thanks for sharing!
I loved your pics. Especially the lakes ones, as well as the one with the "enchanted" tree.
Oh, and I want some of the blue ice cream too!
That is an excellent trip! I love the rainbow photo. There's alot to be seen within a days' drive, and you are proving that point. Drive onward!
My goodness, what beautiful pics! We love road trips and are lucky enough to be able to go to the beach, mountains, city, farmland - all well within "day trip" driving distance.
Gorgeous photos. Love the lighthouse and my husband wants your husbands teeshirt.
Fantastic tour! You could be a guide for the chamber of Commerce! All beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing.
Day trips are the best. Living where we do in NC we have the mountains a couple of hours to the west, the ocean a few hours to the east, the Yadkin River Valley an hour and a half to the North and Charleston or Savannah a few hours to the south. Love it!
You took all the good pictures!! lol
Awesome pics. That story about the girl was spooky!
What a wonderful trip! I really enjoyed all the great pictures! :)
Charming and beautiful idea - I've never seen such a giant lake. The lighthouse makes me melt as much as that icecream might have.
Thought I'd pop over here and say hello.
I grew up in Michigan and one summer, my parents took us on a trip around the state. It was a blast! Now I live right smack dab in the middle of the country. What I wouldn't give for an afternoon on the shores of one of those Great Lakes!
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