Mr. Willoughby and I had such fun with the Long Island Iced Tea drink demo last week that we decided to make it a Friday blog tradition. However, Mr. Willoughby is working late tonight so I don't know when the bar will open. I know you're thinking that I could demo the drinks myself, but I usually shy away from drinking alone (as far as you know). Besides, Mr. Willoughby is a better mixologist than I am. If it gets too late tonight we may have a Saturday drink demo. I didn't want to leave you hanging on a Friday night, though, so I will be posting about tequila.
I know that a lot of people stay away from tequila because it gives them a headache or a bad hangover. In our experience, that doesn't happen as often if you buy a high quality tequila. We're partial to 1800 brand. It's what we usually have on hand. Last weekend we decided to go all out and pick up a bottle of Cabo Wabo. If you're a Sammy Hagar fan you've heard of this brand. Sammy owns the distillery that produces it. It doesn't come cheap, a bottle will set you back about $45. Mr. Willoughby made margaritas with it and says they are the smoothest he's ever had. I only had a sip, so I can't give much of an opinion but I'll take his word for it.
When the Willoughby bar does open, I'm not sure what drink we'll be making. Got any ideas for me? Please add your suggestions in my comments. I'd love to know what drinks you like. And because we've discussed alcohol, I feel I have to say it again. Please drink responsibly. No driving or operating heavy machinery, ok? Cheers!
Humorous side note ~ When I ran a spellcheck on this post, it highlighted the word "mixologist". Among the suggested words was sexologist. Hmmm, interesting.
I don't have a drink suggestion, but Mr. Tattoos is a bartender, so I'll ask him if he has any interesting drink ideas to share with you. You can have a drink for me tonight, since I'm still nursing. Cheers!!
I like tequila, but my fiance can't have it. It's not that he doesn't like the taste, but no matter how little he has, it makes him nauseous... and even worse, if you get my drift. Anyway, my favourite drink of all times is Pina Colada - rum, pineapple juice and coconut milk. Cheers!
How funny that "mixologist" didn't make the cut, but "sexologist" did! As for drinks...I no longer drink, but back in the day...I LOVED sours! Whiskey sours, amaretto sours...now the thought kind of makes me pucker a little. Whew!
Thanks for the ideas, everyone!
Tattoos - It'll be tough, but I'll have a drink for you!
Gracey - I haven't had a Pina Colada in ages! Good idea. What drinks are popular in Greece?
Raoulysgirl - Sours, good idea! I've never had an Amaretto sour. Sounds interesting to mix something so sweet with a sour mixer.
Willoughby, sorry I didn't see your question later. Well, Greek traditional drinks are ouzo, tsipouro and raki. They are all quite similar, as they are made from the wine residue, are transparent in colour and can have a high (45%) alcohol content. Ouzo is more anise flavoured, but there are many variations.
I have never had any problems with tequila it's the whiskey that gets me :)
Blackberry brandy gets me .. as far as what to drink,, I can down the 7&7s like water.. at least I used to. Now, I change with the wind, in the summer however I am a mojito babe!
Ok, of course it is "sorry I didn't answer your question *EARLIER*", not later...
We usually don't have hard liquor in the house...hubby doesn't drink much (occassional beer) and I like my red wine. That said, however, I sure was enjoying all the rum concoctions they served up in Jamaica! Yummy!
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