Friday, June 5, 2009

Choosing A Topic While Cleaning My Office And A Big Oops!

There are so many things I want to blog about, that sometimes I have a hard time choosing. Today's list included secrets of life, inexpensive meal ideas and shopping tips, travel destinations, and some miscellaneous summer items. I was thinking about all of these things while I was reorganizing my office.

My job is supposed to be selling clothing on ebay, so my office is full of inventory. I haven't had any listings posted in a long time. The business was in full swing up until the time my brother in law died in October. Everything seemed to come to a halt, then, and I never got back to listing my items. I also never stopped accumulating inventory. Today, I decided, is the day to get back to selling.

The shelves are pretty full and there are stacks of shirts and hoodies in another cabinet. On the floor is a stack of boxes of clothing that haven't yet been unloaded. We buy our items in lots, so I couldn't even recall what was in the boxes!
I started going through the boxes and sorting the items into piles when I came across an unexpected find. At the back of the stack of boxes was a box filled with clothes I had promised to send to a needy family in California. I was absolutely mortified that it was still here! I had heard about them through one of my online friends and offered to send them the clothes back in February. I called my husband right away to ask him if he knew why the box was still in the office because I thought he had mailed it for me. He thought I had mailed it. Talk about a big oops! Needless to say, it will be going out first thing tomorrow. I'm terribly embarrassed about the whole situation. I can't imagine what the family that was expecting the clothes must think!

For now, I'm headed back into the office to get the photos I need for my listings. I expect to put them on ebay some time tomorrow afternoon. There's a link on the right hand side of this page if you're curious and want to have a look once they're listed.

I'll be back tonight to open the bar!


Purple Flowers said...

Don't beat yourself up over it. Sometimes there is a confusion, and that's life. Your plan is to mail it tomorrow. Don't let it lay heavy on your shoulders. You're doing great!

BashfulToast said...

OMG How dare you!?? Haha just kidding. Im sure they wont be too upset when they get the clothes in the mail!

Lissaloo said...

I'm sure they will be very excited to get the pkg, even if it's late :) What a great job! I have sold some kids text books online, you can make pretty good money that way!! :)