She also got two Beanie Babies for $1 each and a Gameboy game for $5. She scored big!

Isn't she beautiful? I hope she comes back to visit again soon.
Candle lantern hanging from a porch post.
Another candle lantern. This one is sitting on an antique chair.
We have a pub table with a gas heater in the base. I love the colors of the flame.
Happy Saturday, everyone!
Mix all ingredients together and pour over ice into a salt rimmed glass. This recipe yields one drink. Our margarita glasses are quite large so we had to double the recipe for each glass.
Enjoy responsibly, please. Happy Friday, everyone!
They're almost too pretty to eat. Almost, but not quite. We'll be enjoying them dipped in chocolate fondue for dessert tonight. Remember that recipe I promised to share with you? Actually, I have two recipes. One is easy, the other is incredibly easy. Before I give you both recipes, I want to give you a little bit of an explanation.
We love fondue. Not only because it tastes great, but because it's versatile and fun. We've even served it in place of cake at birthday parties. That being said, I'm not a fan of the typical chocolate fondue recipe which consists of dark, semi-sweet or milk chocolate and heavy cream. Even if you follow the instructions carefully, you can end up with grainy, lumpy fondue. And even if it's perfectly smooth, it tastes like Hershey's syrup to me. I wanted something thicker that would cling to the dipped items better and have a richer taste.
The solution? Hot fudge sauce. The first recipe is for a delicious, though slightly caramely, easy hot fudge sauce. The second recipe is for incredibly easy hot fudge sauce.
Easy Hot Fudge Sauce Fondue
In a heavy saucepan, combine the milk, chocolate and butter. Cook and stir over medium-low heat until chocolate is melted. Remove from the heat; stir in vanilla. If sauce becomes too thick, add milk, a few tablespoons full at a time, until desired consistency is achieved. Transfer to prewarmed fondue pot and serve with a variety of bite sized dippers.
Incredibly Easy Hot Fudge Sauce Fondue
Heat hot fudge ice cream topping in a heavy saucepan over low heat until warm. Add milk, a few tablespoons full at a time until desired consistency is achieved. Transfer to prewarmed fondue pot and serve with a variety of bite sized dippers.
Okay, I know what you're thinking, premade hot fudge sauce? I'll give you a few good reasons to consider it. First, it's fast and easy if you need a last minute dessert. Second, you can find sugar free (and fat free) varieties which is perfect for anyone who is diabetic or has dietary restrictions.
But what about a fondue pot? Ours has a reservoir for gel fuel, which I like because we can use it anywhere, but electric ones are great, too. If you don't have one at all, you can still have fondue. Preheat a heavy, heat safe bowl by filling it with boiling water. Once the bowl has absorbed the heat, dump the water out, quickly dry the bowl and fill with your fondue sauce. We also like to use custard cups or ramekins for individual sized fondue.Fondue forks? If you don't have any, wooden skewers are an easy substitute.
Fondue etiquette? Our set came with long forks and short forks. According to what the booklet says, you dip your items with the long fork and place them on your plate, but you eat them with the short fork. That way no one is putting a fork in their mouth and then back in the sauce.Dipper ideas? We like to try all sorts of things, but some of our favorites are fruit, pound cake, pretzels, oreos, sugar wafers, cookies, and mini ice cream balls (pre-make the balls by scooping ice cream with a melon baller and then freezing on a cookie sheet).
In a cocktail shaker, mix Bacardi Limon, light rum and whiskey sour mix. Divide evenly between two ice filled glasses and top each with 4 ounces cola.
Please enjoy your San Juan Tea responsibly! Happy Saturday, everyone!
Slice chicken into thin slices. Preheat large non-stick skillet and add olive oil and a drizzle of sesame oil. Add chicken and cook until no longer pink. Mix remaining ingredients except thickeners, noodles and sesame seeds in a medium bowl. Pour over chicken and simmer on medium heat for 15 minutes. Increase heat to high and bring to a boil. Add cornstarch and water slurry, stirring constantly, until desired thickness is reached. Serve in bowls over Chinese noodles. Garnish with sesame seeds.
*For thickening, use equal parts cornstarch and cold water and mix to form a slurry. I start with about 3-4 tablespoons of each (okay, I usually just eyeball it, but I've got to give you a starting point!). More may be added if needed.
**The noodles I use are simply called "Chinese Noodles" on the package label. The instructions call for rinsing them under running water after cooking. DO NOT skip this step or you will end up a sticky ball of noodles that are impossible to separate. I speak from experience!!
This happened two months ago and I still laugh every time I think about it! Can you believe the police were still able to recognize him?
The next item happened at my house. My son was looking for a part time job, so I was trying to help by scanning the classified section of the local newspaper. I found a job I thought he might like so I circled it. Our paper offers ads highlighted in yellow, so I used a blue pen to make it stand out.
When my son came home from school, I told him to look at the paper I had left on the counter. He picked it up and gave me a strange look, and then asked me if I was serious. I said I was and he continued to look puzzled. Thinking I may have accidentally circled the wrong ad, I took the paper from him and immediately saw what had him confused. I had folded the paper in half and the ad I had circled was on the underside and not visible. The ad he looked at was the only one highlighted on the upper half of the page. It read something like this: "Financially secure couple unable to have children and looking to adopt. We would like to provide a loving home for your child. All expenses will be paid in cash."
He thought we were putting him up for adoption!
This last item happened last fall while my daughter was recovering from the flu. She had developed some severe side effects, so we took her to the doctor. He wanted her to have some blood work done and sent us to the hospital to have it taken care of.
The technician that was working was young and probably somewhat new to the job. She was extremely friendly and patient and tried hard to put my daughter at ease. It was all for nothing, though, because my daughter freaked out when she saw the needles and tubes. She started crying and screaming "No!" and refused to hold her arm out. In the end, it took myself and two other techs to hold her still and get the blood drawn (she's amazingly strong for her size!).
My daughter's face was a wreck with tears so I said to my husband, "Honey, would you get a tissue out of the outside pocket of my purse?" The young tech was so flustered by the whole ordeal that she said "Okay" and reached for my purse. When she realized that she wasn't "honey" she put my purse back down. Everyone in the room laughed and it was the tension breaker we all needed.
I have no idea what the EWAAB is, but at least you now have a valid reason to smell like bourbon. Imagine explaining that one to a police officer if you get pulled over?
Officer - "Have you been drinking tonight?"
You - "No, sir, I'm trying to ward off alien abduction by wearing bourbon as perfume."
I'll bet they hear that all the time.
We also went to the flea market. There were some great things there today. Wanna see what we found this week?
And these are my Mothers Day gifts from Mr. Willoughby. A gorgeous honeysuckle, a clematis, and a hydrangea (my favorite!) to plant in the yard. We're expecting frost tonight, so they won't be planted for another day or two.
Last but not least is the hanging basket we got for my Mom.
It looks so nice hanging in one of my gardens that I'd like to keep it for myself. I won't do that, but I might have to go back and get a few for our house.
After the flea market, Mr. Willoughby and the kids made brunch. They made biscuits and gravy, which is a favorite that we rarely have at home, but enjoy on vacation in North Carolina. Best of all, I didn't have to do any of the clean up!
Happy Mothers Day!
Can you imagine how uncomfortable that was? It gave us a good laugh when we needed it.
This was just a comment a friend of ours made. He had stopped by one day just as Mr. Willoughby was getting home from work. It was in the summer time and he was used to seeing Mr. W in shorts and a t-shirt, not the clothes he normally wears to work. So while all of our neighbors were out in their yards enjoying a sunny day (and well within earshot) Mark yelled, "I can't remember the last time I saw you with pants on." I'm not sure what the neighbors thought he meant, but it was pretty funny.
Happy Thursday!She spent about an hour picking as many as she could. When she finally realized she would never get all of them she gave up.
And then she gave them to me. All three pitchers full! Anyone in need of some dandelions?
My Addiction
I got so many nice comments about my iron fish, yesterday, that I thought I would share a picture of my other fish candle holder. This one is made of resin, so he's quite a bit lighter and much smaller.
On the wall in the dining room.
I moved them to the living room to take a picture, but these are usually in the dining room, too.
In the front hallway.
And two more from a post in the back yard.
I told you it was an addiction! With flea market season just beginning, I'm sure I'll be adding more to the collection. Do you have this addiction, too, or is it just me?
The CDC revised their guidelines for closing schools to control the spread of the swine flu. Our schools have reopened after being closed for two days.
How cute is the old ride on horse?! And no, that's not what I meant by small livestock! I just didn't get any pictures of the live animals.
The weather was perfect for lots of leisurely browsing. I'm sure you're wondering if we came home with any great finds. Yep, we did!
This was my find of the day. It's an old glass pitcher, about 8 inches tall. The bottom is pressed with "Made in Italy". Mr. Willoughby said his grandma had a pitcher just like it for milk. I'm not sure if I'll use it for serving drinks or put flowers in it and use it as a vase. At $2, I couldn't pass it up.
I can hardly wait to see what's there next Sunday!