This recipe will yield four drinks (if served in martini glasses). Start by cutting your lime in half and juicing it. We used an antique glass reamer. See?

- 2 oz. vodka
- 1 oz. triple sec
- juice of half a lime (approx. 1 oz.)
- 3 oz. cranberry juice
Shake well and strain into a martini glass. Garnish with a twist of lime peel. You can rim the glasses with sugar if you like. Enjoy responsibly!

Perfect Saturday afternoon treat, love it!!
I actually have all the ingred's for this! I really like these posts, for a lot of them I have heard the name before but had no idea what was in it :)
Will that interact with Nyquil? If so, I'll take 3. Ugh...why is it that mommy's always get sick first AND last?
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