Mr. Willoughby and I enjoy spending time together in the kitchen; talking, cooking a nice meal, having a glass of wine (or cocktails) and listening to music. He's quite a catch, if I do say so myself, but that's not the catch I'm talking about tonight. The catch of the day today is flounder. We made shrimp, too, so does that make it catches of the day? I don't know.
I have to tell you that we discovered a new wine tonight, too. I always buy four bottles of wine at a time because my grocery store gives a 10% discount when you do that. I usually get three bottles I know we'll like and try one new one. We're kind of middle of the road when it comes to wine; not to sweet, not too dry. I randomly grabbed an Australian Riesling and put it in my cart. When I got home, I noticed it was a screw top! A screw top? No self respecting wine has a screw top! I put it in the wine rack and decided to save it specifically for cooking. Mr. Willoughby took it out tonight for our shrimp scampi and we couldn't resist tasting it. To our great surprise, it was excellent! I recommend giving it a try (though I can't believe I'm saying that about a screw top wine). It's Banrock Station Riesling, more dry than sweet. I promise you that you'll never miss the cork.

On the menu tonight was Broiled Flounder Parmesan (the recipe is for Tilapia, but we prefer flounder), Shrimp Scampi, Oven Baked Fries and a simple green salad. Everything was delicious, but the Shrimp Scampi Mr. Willoughby made was outstanding! We had never tried this recipe before, but this will be our new "go to" recipe for scampi. Something about the combination of lighting in my kitchen and the flash on my camera never makes food look as good in my pictures as it does in person, but trust me that this was one tasty meal. The kids enjoyed it every bit as much as we did.

Instead of dessert, we made Cafe Caramel. It's like the Caramel Machiato from Starbucks, but doesn't cost $5 a cup! Here's what you need:

Start by brewing some coffee. Yes, I know, I've got Maxwell House here, not some fancy schmancy expensive whole beans roasted in small batches by hand in a tiny village in Columbia. I like that kind, too, but tonight it's Maxwell House. And those two blue bowls in front? Those are sugar and creamer. If you prefer dairy cream or half and half, those would be fine but I like non-dairy creamer.
To each mug, add two heaping teaspoons of creamer, two teaspoons of sugar (or to taste) and approximately two tablespoons of caramel ice cream topping (I never bother to measure) and fill to within a 1/2 inch of the top with hot coffee. Stir until well mixed and caramel topping has dissolved. Top with whipped cream and a drizzle of caramel topping.

Happy Saturday, everyone!
I do not know where to begin.. it all looks delicious. broiled flounder, scampi, new wine. I'm coming to see you! When was my invite again?
Ooooohhh...that is my FAVORITE coffee drink! And to have it following scampi and flounder? (Sigh)
That's MY kind of dinner! Now for a little FYI: many fine wines are going to the screw cap bottles. It has something to do about an infection (TCA)that occurs during cork sterilization.This infection is then passed on into the wine. It is a very difficult infection to detect despite numerous inspections. The cork industry has been slow to respond to the wine makers demand for better quality. As a result you are seeing more screw caps (and boxed wines). Just don't do what I did one evening: not thinking, I got out my corkscrew...only to be taken by surprise when I punctured a huge hole in the screw cap. LOL.
Friends are always welcome here, Donna!
Raoulysgirl - It's one of my favorites, too.
5th - Great info., I never knew about the cork infection. It's sad to think of all wine coming in screw top bottles, though. The removal of the cork and the popping sound it makes are all part of enjoying a bottle of wine.
I am so jealous... But I am glad you had so much fun, guys! I don't own a coffee machine (Ernesto is more of an instant coffee kind of guy - I hate it myself!), but it is the very first thing I will get once I move to the new house. Thanks for the recipe - I will definitely try it someday!
Sounds good; I'm always fearful of cooking any seafood besides shrimp, even though I've lived my whole life on the coast. And I second the info on the screw top wines, it has nothing to do with the quality of wines. One of my faves went to screw top a few years ago and it still tastes great!
Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog...It's so nice to meet you. It looks like you and your husband had a wonderful evening....the food, wine, and dessert coffee look delish. Your other recipes look delish too. Hope you have a great evening...
all the food looks great!
and I noticed more and more screw tops as well, and would really miss the corks so I hope it doesn't end up that they all turn that way...
thanks for the fun post! : )
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