I'd like to introduce LB from the blog Muddy Runner. I know you'll enjoy his blog as much as I do.
About Me

Luis Bueno
Riverside, CA,
United States
Father, Husband, Runner.
Greetings! This is LB from the blog Muddy Runner. I would first like to thank Willoughby of the fine blog This Stop Willoughby for letting me have the opportunity to guest blog. I'm honored to have the chance to guest blog here and hope This Stop Willoughby's trusty readers enjoy my guest spot.
If you are not familiar with my blog, you might be wondering about the name. You might be asking, "What exactly is MUDDY about your blog?"
I'll spell it out for you...
Mud Runs and Marathons, and everything that running them entails. I started my blog to blog about my experience in training for the 2008 Mud Run and now I've got two of those under my belt. I'm also training for my first-ever Marathon, the Surf City 2010 Marathon.
Unload, as in the weight and sedentary lifestyle I used to have. I lost 120 pounds from March 2006 to October 2007, about 20 months worth. I went from weighing 308 pounds to about 185 in that span, and there I remain. I didn't get into running until I had shed all but 10 of those pounds.
Dad. I'm a runner, writer, friend, husband, wanna-be pastry chef but first and foremost I'm a dad. That's my most important job, and I place that first before anything else.
Disneyland. I love Disneyland! We got annual passes as a gift two years ago and that changed everything! It opened doors for all of us and I was instantly hooked. We renewed on our own last year and will do so again this year. It's not cheap but it is worth every penny. You can rest assured that you'll see pictures of Disneyland and hear all about the Happiest Place on Earth over on my blog. In fact, I have a feature that I've been thinking about doing, just have been kicking around the idea in my head and I might get started on it. Anyway, it's about Disneyland, of course, so those Disney posts might be more regular.
Yvie, as in Cooking With Yvie. Every Sunday (or as close to every Sunday as possible) we air a new episode of Cooking With Yvie, where my daughter Yvie shows everyone how to make different things. She's made everything from Strawberry Milkshakes to Marinara Sauce to all sorts of cookies and desserts.
The second part of the blog name is easy. I'm a runner.
So while I started my blog with the intentions of writing about my build-up to my first Mud Run, it has since transformed into a bit of a hodgepodge of everything, as you can see. On any given day, you might read about a particular run that I did that I wanted to share, a nutrition tip that I ran across that I had to share, some observation about my daughter's first-grade class or perhaps even some sort of debilitating injury that I'm trying to figure out how to minimize.
I don't have any particular favorite topic to blog about. I enjoy blogging about all those things and usually I try to write all posts so that all my readers can get something out of them. I know that all my followers don't run so an I-ran-4-miles-so-let-me-tell-you-all-about-it post probably wouldn't work most days, so I tend to stay away from repetition. I like to mix it up and give my readers a variety of posts and topics.
So anyway, thanks again to Willoughby for allowing the opportunity to guest blog. And I hope you'll stop by on Muddy Runner to say hello!
Thank you LB for being a guest on my blog.
The cocktail party will continue on Friday with a new guest blogger. It's not too late to RSVP if you haven't already. You can send your submission to me at thisstopwilloughby@yahoo.com. I would appreciate it if you could send me your post in html format. If you are submitting a new post, create it on Blogger as you would any post. Save, but don't publish it. From there you can click "edit html" and copy and paste your blog into the body of an email. If you are submitting a previously published post, go into "edit" and follow the same instructions. This makes it much easier for me to display your blog post the way you have written it. If you have any questions, feel free to email me.